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33 states
54 colleges / universities
288+ high schools/comm
506 individual rentals
"For years, we've focused on drinking and driving but, with all our kids who battle anxiety, depression and other emotional illnesses...what do we do to warn them about the danger of playing with pills and alcohol?"
Dean of Students
Westford Academy, Westford, MA
Worcester County District Attorney Joseph D. Early Jr.
"This important film serves as a warning for young people about the potentially lethal consequences of mixing prescription drugs with alcohol. This is a must-watch documentary for all high school and college students. This could save your life."
Student - College of Charleston
"The film is very powerful. It really shows how precious life is, and raises awareness for college students to be more careful when partying. A lot of people tend to hear stories like this after it's too late. Showing this film can influence teens to change their habits."
Fairfield University
“ ...this film changed lives on our campus. Through multiple showings in various venues, students across campus learned about the hazards of mixing prescription pills with alcohol in a non-judgmental way. We are forever grateful for being able to raise awareness and reduce stigma about this sensitive topic on our college campus....”
Student - Merrimack College
North Andover
“My biggest take away from this is the fact that such a "minor" thing that I see every weekend can actually kill someone and flip their loved ones world upside down. Awareness is needed.”
Student - College of the Holy Cross
“ Because of your documentary this has been a topic in and out of school — especially at parties.”
“This movie has shown me the harmful affects of what we think of today is a normal activity at a party ”
Student - Winchester High School
“As a former user of mixing Xanax and alcohol, I will never do it again after seeing this film.”
Broome County Health Department
“WOW. Your video is incredible. I have worked in the field for years and haven’t ever come across something quite like what you have created. Thank you for creating this and doing it in such a way that is real and effective.”
Student - Bridgewater State University
“This film was very eye-opening. I have never really considered the reality of this lethal mix. It not only shows the dangers of prescription drugs mixed with alcohol, but also the effect it has on friends and family. To see how crushed Clay’s friends and family were after the accident should move everyone to consider the real danger in this mix.”
Boston College
“Powerful, raw, honest, eye opening, scary. Every single student should see this film. This film WILL save lives. Everyone tonight will remember this movie for the rest of their lives.”
“The feedback has been tremendous. We have learned so much from the post viewing discussion and follow-up conversations with students.”
Student - College of Charleston
"I think all students should be required to watch this film. This definitely hit close to home."
Dean of Students, Westford Academy
"For years, we've focused on drinking and driving but, with all our kids who battle anxiety, depression
and other emotional illnesses...what do we do to warn them about the danger of playing with pills and alcohol?
College Health Promotion Director
“The feedback has been tremendous. Each and every person that has watched the film has been touched by the Soper family's story. The film fits in well with our approach to educating our students about the risks within the party culture. We have learned so much from the post viewing discussion and follow-up conversations with students.”
Superintendent, Deposit, NY
“To say that the message about Clay was impactful is an understatement. His story, and yours, truly touched our hearts and left a lasting impression. The movie spurred a terrific discussion about substance use and the ways that our students and families can help each other stay safe.”
Student - Cambridge School of Weston
“My friend said to me after the assembly that this is by far the best alcohol and drug programming he has ever seen for anyone in high school, and I 100% agree with him.”
Wellness Teacher, Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School
“This is the type of documentary that everyone should see. It was a normal night that went horribly wrong. Imagine if they had the information that we now have. Talking with students after the showing proved one thing to me about this topic; they are listening.”
Community Coalition Leader
“There wasn't a single person in the room who didn't walk away having learned something. Every
kid in the country should see this ... This was way more powerful than just don't do drugs - this my kids will remember."
What people are saying about our film:

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